

Part of the goal of this class is understanding technology, its impact on culture, and also on the culture of the classroom. Arguably one of the more successful and buzzworthy developments in recent web history is Twitter. Twitter has been called a "micro-blogging" tool, where, as opposed to our class blog, what you say is limited to 140 characters. You follow your friends, celebrities, or people of interest and send and receive short bursts of information that might be as simple as "I just woke up" to a really interesting link or slice of commentary.

As a class we will form a small Twitter community and share relevant information (however far removed it may seem!) with each other and try to extend the conversations beyond the classroom and even beyond the class blog. This assignment is part introduction to technology and part social experiment, but will certainly be interesting and hopefully fun!

Helpful guide to getting started


You are required to sign up for a Twitter account (if you don't already have one, orif you would like to keep your main account secret) and follow the Course Twitter (run by me) as well as all of your classmates. I would then like to see everyone make at least two tweets this quarter, of whatever variety. This is, of course, a bare minimum and I would encourage you to experiment with it as much as possible.

Twitter can be integrated with your Facebook status updates as well as most smart phones.

Feel free to promote your blog entries on the Twitter feed as well as extend in-class discussion to the Twitter space. You can also use it to get classroom information from your classmates, organize study groups, or tip everyone off to interesting things happening on campus. The possibilities are endless. My one restriction is that your tweets remain politically sensitive and non-offensive.

If your tweet is exclusive to the class please use the tag #cmac somewhere in your entry. This is what's called a hash tag and allows your tweets to be searched as part of a particular group of tweets.


5% of your course grade.

Class Twitter Names
