Hotline: 0327-563-020
Address: 380 Xa Dan - Nam Dong - Dong Da - Hanoi
Provide information and medical consultation services 24/7 for all genders with diseases such as:
â?? Andrology
â?? Gynecology
â?? Social diseases (candidiasis, syphilis, gonorrhea, ...)
â?? Hemorrhoids
â?? Armpit odor
â?? Infertility and infertility
â?? Foreskin
â?? Abortion (abortion or medical abortion, ...)
Hung Thinh multi-store clinic 380 Xa Dan is a prestigious medical examination and treatment address for every home. With a team of good doctors and nurses in many big hospitals (Viet Duc, Bach Mai, Institute 103,...) for their work, modern medical equipment is imported from countries with developed medicine such as the UK. , France, Germany, Singapore,... As well as the motto of building a clinic with 3H criteria (Home-Hospial-Hotel)...