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April W. 

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I am going to be taking requests for stories, and writing them into series' based on there main and sub-categories.


As this is my first time publishing anything for public domain I was really hoping for the support of the online community. Any and all comments and suggestions are very much welcome, provided they help to reach a more enjoyable stories.


A few of the sub-categories that my imagination loves wander about in are as follows.

*** Furry: light hearted and very erotic anthropomorphic (people with features of animals i.e.; fur, paws, claws, tails, etc.) based lifestyles.

*** Romance: stories with a general feel good, and love tale aspect about them that just leave feeling a little romantic yourself.

*** Adventure: these stories can very in style, but I am very much a fan of the style of Brootforce ( he no longer posts but is still avid on the site you can PM him for the rest of his stories). It's more of a fantasy Middle Ages type of style that some say border copy right infringement.


Of course these are not the only categories that I am willing to write about. As I said earlier nearly all my stories and/series will be based on requests and suggestions.


Feel free to either write your thoughts in the comments below. As for if you have any requests or suggestions I would ask that you PM me, but you may also leave them below in comments.


SilentSniper69x =^_^=

P.S. :If anyone has any suggestions on stories that I might be interested in, feel free to leave them In the comments or PM them to me.

P.S.S.:I really hate this stupid 5000 character minimum requirement to post a story.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:
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